We believe that devoted shoppers deserve a bigger slice.

We started CAKE after seeing brands spend a fortune on platforms like Meta – while their dedicated shoppers weren’t reaping any of that reward. Why wasn’t anyone celebrating shoppers like us? The model felt broken.

CAKE makes shopping sweeter.

We had a vision for a community of thoughtful, passionate members who LOVE shopping as much as we do. CAKE completely reimagines what it means to buy and discover brands, treating our members to special access and exclusive perks, including thousands of dollars to put towards collections of beloved brands. And transparently (that’s our way), brands are ever eager to meet serious shoppers and this new model does that. Deliciously.

So, how will CAKE serve you?

Brand partners: CAKE gives you access to most fervent shoppers, the kind who add a pair of jeans to their cart and then immediately share the screenshot to the group text with the words “pocket placement” and a fire emoji.

Members: CAKE gives you entry to a community of people who love style, and offers you the breathless, can’t-wait-to share benefits that also just make sense. Including the best price on the best products from brands we’re in love with.

Want a piece?

Because it’s part of our promise to brands, we’re not able to share with everyone. This model will only work with the serious, intentional shoppers. So to join, you must be invited by a current member.

Why now?

We're lifelong shoppers and style lovers who had an aha moment. We saw a way to make shopping even better and, at the same time, celebrate and support brands that inspire us. We thought it was about time that people who love to shop got a bigger slice.

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